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Construction field trips

Coming in the 2025-2026 school year, the Construction Careers Council will be working with local employers to host local schools (K-12 and postsecondary) to speak and show students about career paths in the industry, perform a live demonstration of some aspect of the work they do, and answer questions on construction job sites! These simple interactions make a big impact on students and have the power to shape their futures!

Want to learn more?


Help promote the construction industry and give students a chance to explore construction as a career option. The council will help you plan your field trip ideas by creating an outline, step-by-step instructions, and list of resources!

If you're an employer who is interested in participating in a roadshow, please contact us at

Careers in Construction Month

construction field trip


  • Teach students about career opportunities in construction.

  • Teach students about specific career paths. (Start here! Get there!)

  • Enhance students' understanding of what the construction industry is and why it's a meaningful career.


  • Cell phone or laptop (for the Craft Pro quiz).

  • Printed classroom activity.

  • Pens/pencils.

  • Construction Careers Council stickers.

  • Any additional items you want to provide.



  • Introductions

  • Discussion questions

  • Hands-on live demonstration

  • Classroom video

  • Which Craft Pro are You? activity



Start by informing the students that they will be learning about career paths and the construction industry today. As you introduce the lesson make sure to introduce yourself with the prompts below (if there any questions during, please answer those).


  • Name of company and your role.

  • Describe in detail what you do for your company either in the field or on the job site.

  • Your career path into construction.

  • Your favorite things about the industry.

Talk about some misconceptions about the industry:

  • It's all hammer and nails.

  • It's not a safe job.

  • This industry isn't for women.

  • There are no professional options, all backbreaking work.

Tell the students why you think the construction industry is great place for a career.


Use the following bullet points to gauge students' current knowledge of the industry and guide a discussion.

  • What do you know about construction?

  • Do you know of any jobs in construction?

  • Talk about a couple careers both in the field and in the field.

  • Talk about your profession, what you do and what your company does.

3. Live Demonstration 10-15 Minutes

When doing the live demonstration talk about what you are doing and how you can learn the skills necessary to complete the task at hand.



While getting the video ready to show please pass out the Intro to Careers in Construction Video Questions to the students. Have the students fill out the answers before the video.

After the video go over the answers with the students (answers attached)
Ask if the students have any questions regarding what they saw.


5. QUIZ  10 Minutes

Have the students take a 27-question quiz to determine which trade is right for them!  They will be will be matched with a trade where they can learn the ins and outs of that profession.


Make sure to answer any questions students have about the quiz or profession they are matched up with.
Once all questions are answered you can let the students know they can learn more about careers on the Construction Career Card page.

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© 2024 West Michigan Works!

West Michigan Works! is a division of ACSET, an equal opportunity employer/program and a proud partner of the American Job Center network. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. West Michigan Works! is supported by state and federal funds; more details at

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